Ledarstudion offers training not just in Sweden – but all around the world!

How do we work abroad?

The interest in and knowledge of intercultural relations is something Ledarstudion’s founder and CEO, Lena Ahlström, took with her after being responsible for these matters at SAS, Scandinavian Airlines. Ledarstudion’s vision, to create a better world where people understand and move each other, is still a powerful driving force – so it has always been natural for us to work abroad.

Ledarstudion has been working with various companies around the world. Programmes, workshops and events have been organized in all Scandinavian countries, Italy, Austria, Great Britain, Croatia, Spain, Malta and in the United States where we have been in Houston, Washington, New York, Seattle, San Antonio and San Francisco. Ledarstudion even has coaches abroad – one in New York and one in Switzerland!

The working language abroad is English (or Swedish) but we also have coaches speaking in German if desired. We always work in pairs with at least one leadership developer and one voice and body coach. If necessary, we have the ability to send a large number of coaches on major workshops.

Do you want to come to us or are we coming to you?

This is up to you! Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibility of taking the training from the Ledarstudion abroad. Perhaps you are planning a major event for all employees in the global organization? Perhaps your company works across borders? We offer single or recurring customised training for you, your group and your organization. We bring along coaches, tools, exercises and new ways of thinking.

Welcome to the Ledarstudion – even abroad!

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Where have we been?

Event and workshops with Ericsson at MWC19 in Barcelona with focus on storytelling.

Workshops with AccountIt in Copenhagen

We train recurring groups of people from Nordea in Finland

Ledarstudion went to Monza, Italy, for individual guidance of 4 people during 2 days

Event with Netlight where 550 employees flew to a Croatian island, Obonjan, for workshops with Ledarstudion during 1 weekend

Workshop with a group from Betsson, 2 days for 10 people

Individual guidance for a manager in a big company

Event with Netlight where 650 employees had workshops with Ledarstudion during 1 weekend in Andalusia.

Ledarstudion works with Skanska in London.

We work with Skanska in Houston – both with groups and individual guidance to prepare for lectures and conferences

We worked with Ericsson at their site in California.

In New York, we have worked with numerous groups from AstraZeneca. We also have a voice and body coach living in New York.

In San Antonio, Texas, we have worked numerous times with Skanska – both in groups and individual guidance

In Seattle we have worked numerous times with Skanska – both in groups and individual guidance

In Gaithersburg, Washington we have worked with numerous groups from AstraZeneca.

Ledarstudion held workshops for Meda in Vienna, Austria