Why do we want you to get better at communicating? A better world is created by people who understand, strenghten and move each other!

What led to the idea of creating Ledarstudion?

Lena Ahlström is the CEO and founder of Ledarstudion. Below, she explains the process that ultimately resulted in a company with some thirty employees who instruct and train many of the most prominent managers in Sweden.

As the person in charge of all leadership development and intercultural training for SAS and as Vice President of Swedbank, I was able to observe how people struggled to reach out and have an impact. Obviously, there were exceptions to the rule, but there was also an incredibly high number of people who suffered from general speech anxiety and even highly developed stage fright. This prevented them from fulfilling their potential to awaken interest and inspire those around them.” – Lena Ahlström

Why do we want to help you communicate better in your life?

The world would be a better place if everyone could understand and influence each other!

The ability to communicate is by far the most important success factor for developing good relationships –  whether at work, in public or privately. The more aware people are of the power of communication to help or transform our interpersonal relationships, the more obvious it becomes that we all need to practice our communication skills!

Leadership is a competetive strenght

Well-developed leadership provides vast potential for boosting Sweden’s competitive strengths. It is a question of understanding and developing our needs, managing relationships and facing the challenges and opportunities presented by digital developments. With such a rapid pace of development, communication skills are a core competency.

From dresser to innovator

In the 1970s, Lena Ahlstrom worked as dresser at Stadsteatern theatre in Stockholm. Like her, many actors were very shy, but they were able, every evening, to create a moment of magic and expression on stage. They had the tools with which to prepare. Lena brought the memory of these actors and their toolswith her in her career in business and economics.

For 25 years Lena was inspired by the idea of combining the two worlds. The result of that is what Ledarstudion is today.

Leadership is a process of continuous development

From the turn of the millennium Lena Ahlström started working as a consultant and CEO coach, providing management and leadership development in a number of different organisations. She realised early on that you would never find a sports coach sitting in the changing room during the match and then asking how it went afterwards. She wanted to start leadership coaching in real time, following the people at work and during direct sending. This laid the foundations for developing an “Actors’ Studio” for managers – i.e. Ledarstudion.

At Ledarstudion we recreate the challenges faced every day at work. All the participants are able to test, make mistakes and repeat, as if in real life situations, without being rejected with feedback from certified coaches. Each participant get tools, exercises and attitudes.

Leadership is a skill you can practice; and practice really does create positive results. We can guarantee this after almost 15 years of work and several thousand participants.

At Ledarstudion, we help you explore your personal expression, and we promise to take responsibility for challenging you and showing you the appreciation that will provide you with lasting development.

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“Coachning genom feedback och intressanta samtal både om mig själv, min yrkesroll och kreativa arbete är otroligt värdefullt”

/ Johan Petré
CEO Petré Event & PR

“Goda människor hjälper andra att utvecklas – Lena har den förmågan”

/ Marie Hallander Larsson
HR-direktör Akademiska hus

“Ledarstudions arbete är viktigare än någonsin”

/ Azita Shariati
vd Sodexo AB Sverige