The Personal Leadership

At Ledarstudion, we don’t just talk about theories; we train leaders to exercise leadership. For over 20 years, we have coached leaders at strategic level to not only convey an interesting message but also to create the right feeling that people remember. They acquire tools and methods to practice authentic, inspiring leadership and strengthen the culture, including team spirit, values, motivation, understanding, goal-setting, feedback, decision-making, creativity, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. They also practice difficult conversations and increase their responsiveness and effectiveness.

Examples from content

  • Develop your ability to make messages clear in content and form
  • Ensure that your voice and body language align with the content and understand how your message is perceived and interpreted
  • Work further on your core values and communication style to find your personal leadership
  • Practice difficult conversations with an actor and a personal coach
  • Understand how conflicts arise and practice resolving them
  • Reflections and discussions grounded in relevant leadership theories

Who Should Attend The Personal Leadership? For those who have completed The Personal Expression program and want to take the next step in their communication from being able to lead themselves and their mission to leading other people.

The program starts continuously throughout the year, and we are happy to send you proposed dates. Please fill in your details below, and we will get in touch with you!

Interest Sign-Up

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2+2 days with approximately 4 weeks in between


• Myers Briggs Type Indicator
• Values Online™


• Leadership Developer
• Voice and body language coach
• Actor