Our coaches are highly qualified and continuously develop their specialised expertise in scrutinising people. The insight they have gained through their training is then linked to leadership, rhetoric, communication style and delivery.

What do we do at Ledarstudion?

Ledarstudion offers training in communication and leadership via exploratory personal feedback and reflection-based learning with the support of highly qualified experts. The unique concept developed by Ledarstudion is Utforskande FärdighetsTräning (UFT©), which translates as exploratory skills training, and is based on three fundamental pillars:


Leadership implies standing on a stage – we combine leadership and stage performance and thereby theory and practice associated with the challenges faced every day at work.


Our coaches are certified in our own six-month educational programme before being qualified to instruct. They work in teams that combine leadership/rhetoric and stage performance.


Daily challenges – we have our own premises in the district of Vasastan, Stockholm, with eight training studios equipped with stages and around 1,000 square metres in size.

It may be simple to initiate a development process with the participants, but it is an art to finalise the process in a way that each participant finds positive. The responsibility and the work required by the coaches, to give challenging instructions and relevant and perceptive feedback, is a difficult task. By means of correct and successful coaching, we help the participants identify their full potential.

The participants, who work in small groups, become more aware of themselves. They develop their personal expression and communicative skills and increase their ability to reach out to people with their message and thus inspire their audience.

Why do we want to help you communicate better in your life?

Our vision is to create a better world where people understand and influence each other in earnest. The ability to communicate is by far the most important success factor for developing good relationships – whether at work, in public or privately. The more aware people are of the power of communication to help or transform our interpersonal relationships, the more obvious it becomes that we all need to practice our communication skills!

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