Become a learning organisation

Since you don’t know what you don’t know, it can sometimes be difficult to assess how people perceive and interpret things, and in which areas your company’s or your team’s communication has untapped potential.

Sometimes it’s beneficial to let an outsider map out the communication and listening within a group or context. Our facilitators can attend management meetings or conferences to listen to listening. Afterwards, we provide feedback on what we’ve observed, heard, and understood. Perhaps the outcome of your communication wasn’t what you intended?

It’s in critical situations that communication is most truthful and authentic – not only in terms of what is explicitly communicated but also what actually resonates with and is understood by the recipient. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly common for companies to hire a Keynote Listener to listen, analyse, and then enable the streamlining of communication.

Meetings and conferences are complex communicative contexts. Even if employees are individually skilled communicators and know their areas, there are many pitfalls.

  • How does it work in the larger contexts in your organisation?
  • How do you help your employees understand the right things and ensure that your meeting situations are inspiring and productive?

Our facilitators spend most of their working time listening to people communicate. What we do best is to explore, challenge, and appreciate our participants to increase their awareness of their personal expression and communication. Bad meetings not only cost time and money, they also cost employee trust and engagement. Let us listen along – we’ll be able to help you discover your unknown and hidden potentials.

Organisational Learning for a Sustainable Communication Culture

What is openness and trust, what makes people understand and respect each other? How can you influence a corporate culture to become more courageous, open, and caring? In today’s societal climate, there are values that are sometimes lost. There are people in power who believe it gives them the wrong kinds of rights or obligations.

Respect and consideration for each individual are guiding principles that make workplaces sustainable, and a sustainable workplace is good business. It’s easy to attract and retain talent there, people are treated equally, and good values are visible in everyday life.

Ledarstudion’s vision is to create a better world where people understand, move, and strengthen each other. We have ideas, experiences, and tools for conducting values discussions, promoting listening, handling difficult conversations, and inviting dialogue. If you have thoughts about whether your organisation would need or want a more sustainable communication culture – reach out to us!

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• Leadership developers
• Voice and body language coaches